Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Increase Sales by Accessing Scott’s Database

manufacturing companies in Canada

How do you increase B2B sales to manufacturing companies in Canada? Before you consider the answer, you may want to do a comprehensive study on the state of manufacturing in Canada, the areas of the country still holding on to a strong manufacturing base, and the primary products still being manufactured in this country. On the other hand, you might want to simply log into Scott’s Database and search manufacturing companies in Canada.

Search Scott’s Database and Build Your B2b Sales

Manufacturers and processors are major contributors to the Canadian economy, as they account for over 1.7 million jobs and more than 10 percent of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Canadian manufacturing sector covers 21 industry groups that produce goods for both industrial and consumer use. All of them are covered in the industrial manufacturers directory offered through Scott’s Info, a product of Scott’s Directories. This comprehensive list of manufacturing companies in Canada provides B2B sales teams targeting this business sector with an incredible wealth of information that can be used to develop exceptionally strong, targeted sales outreach. The directory includes over 180,000 businesses across the country, including the very targeted industrial manufacturers directory that can be easily downloaded in CSV format for use in developing such strategies. The database is updated throughout the year, so sales teams using this data-rich resource can avoid chasing bad data. There is also a list of over 330,000 key contacts within the companies listed, so sales teams using the database can quickly determine which individual(s) to target within each company. Those are all foundational elements which can be used to build an incredible B2B sales program for manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076

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Friday, November 29, 2019

What Are the Best Ways to Promote Your B2B Business

B2B directories
How to promote your B2B business
There are dozens of elements you can include in a marketing and promotions plan for your business other than a subscription service offering B2B directories. There’s traditional print platforms and broadcast media including radio and television, 21st century social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and digital methods including pay-per-click advertising, paid search advertising and conversion-rate optimization strategies. Whether your company is engaging in outbound marketing strategies or more traditional inbound methods, success rates are varied. One of the best ways to promote your business effectively is worrying less about the quantity of advertising you’re doing and focusing more on the quality of outreach your team is conducting. That means narrowing in on clients who are more apt to need your B2B product or service. To do that, your team needs to conduct qualified research, and there’s no better place to do that research than in a one-stop-shop offering comprehensive business to business directories.
Promote your business through Scott’s Info
Searching through the Scott’s Info database gives users an amazing landscape of information on Canadian businesses across the country. That includes over 180,000 B2B company profiles, over 330,000 key contacts and information on all that is continuously updated throughout the year. There is no dirty data to worry about, no outdated listings that waste the time of your salespeople. It’s a quick and easily-navigated platform that allows your team to match potential top prospects quickly and effectively. Once you’ve generated that list of high potential prospects, you can start to develop a more structured, custom-tailed promotional package designed for each individual potential prospect. Whether you’re B2B targets include clients in manufacturing, wholesalers and distributors, industry, retail, charity, medical or tech, you can develop exceptional promotional plans using the B2B company list.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076
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Friday, October 25, 2019

Perks of Using Corporate Database in a Modern Organisation

Canadian business directory database

Without a robust and resilient innovation strategy, no company can survive. Innovation failure has caused the downfall of many great companies, from Kodak to Xerox to Blockbuster. An even bigger failure is incorporating innovative technologies into the workplace but failing to fully maximize their use. For companies engaging in B2B sales and marketing, one of the most effective digital technologies worthy of maximum use is the Canadian business directory database.
Incorporate the Power of Digital Data into Your Sales Efforts
Small companies often fail to invest in the technology required to compete with larger corporations. One of the perks of subscribing to Scott’s Info is its affordability, which allows any size company to provide access to the Canadian business database 24/7 through multi-user programs. This easy-to-navigate digital platform gives its users access to incredible amounts of digital data, including over 180,000 company profiles and over 330,000 key contacts within those corporations. As a research tool, the Canadian companies database provides incredibly detailed information on companies across the country, allowing sales and marketing teams to engage in endless prospecting and lead generation activities. Sales professionals will immediately see the benefits of having quick and easy access to a database rich with potential client leads. It’s an exceptional tool for any business that wants to upgrade its available technologies in the name of higher sales growth.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076
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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Manufacturers Directory- The Perfect Tool To Target The Right Audience

What is a “manufacturer?” The term has such a broad definition that it encompasses many different types of companies. As a result, companies trying to execute B2B sales strategies to manufacturers often find it challenging, because there is no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy to reach them. However, there are tools to make the job easier, including the Scott’s Info online directory of manufacturing companies in Canada.

The Perfect Tool to Reach Manufacturers
The manufacturers directory is exactly the kind of cutting-edge digital sales tool required by B2B sales professionals who want to market products and services to manufacturing clients. The database contains over 180,000 company names across Canada, with up-to-date contact information on key executives and contacts within those businesses. It can’t be emphasized enough how vitally useful a sales tool like this is. With 24/7 access to an industrial manufacturers directory, your sales team can literally find thousands of prospects with the click of a mouse and, by narrowing the search criteria, can micro-target by industry, by location, by size of the company or any other of the more than 30 ways to search the database.

Industrial Marketing Is Different Than Consumer Marketing
Tackling B2B sales and marketing to the manufacturing industry is much different that marketing to consumers. Many industrial B2B companies rely solely on ads in print journals relevant to their industry, and they tend to shy away from aggressive marketing targeting their business.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076
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Friday, July 26, 2019

How Manufacturers Database can Increase the Sales for Small Business

list of manufacturing companies in Canada

Small businesses are the lifeblood of a healthy economy. As economic challenges arise, as competition increases, as consumer habits change, small businesses need tools to help them continue to not only grow revenue but to survive. One such tool is subscribing to a directory that includes a list of manufacturing companies in Canada.

Subscribe To A Manufacturers Database To Grow Your Business
Investing in a subscription to an online directory that includes a comprehensive list of manufacturing companies in Canada is one of the most important investments a small business can make. Contained within the industrial manufacturers directory are hundreds of thousands of leads and business information on companies that can, with the right proposal, be quickly turned into paying clients. Put your sales teams to work searching through the database to research potential clients; refine that search to micro-target businesses that match the products and services you hope to sell them. Subscribing to a manufacturers database to grow your business will save you time by eliminating the hours your sales team would have to spend contacting clients that in the end have no interest in your offer. Qualified lead lists are easy to develop when you’re searching a list that only shows you the manufacturing companies in Canada that make sense for you to approach for business.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076
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Friday, May 31, 2019

How to prepare a Sales Pitch for Manufacturing Companies

manufacturing companies in canada

Making a sales pitch to manufacturing companies is not like making a sales pitch to a restaurant group, an entertainment collective or an agricultural company. Sure, there are many universal elements and approaches in making your sales pitch when you’re trying to encourage a customer to buy your product. However, manufacturers often have vastly different motives, so it is essential to approach each potential buyer differently and create a pitch that targets them specifically. One way to do that is to ensure you have access to wealth of relevant information with which to build your sales pitch, including the info you’ll find in the Scot’s Info list of manufacturing companies in Canada.

Individual customers have their own pain points and reasons why buying your product can be the solution to their potential problem. As a B2B sales representative, you could try to communicate with potential new accounts to find out exactly what those pain points might be. That requires a lot of time, effort and back and forth on the phone or in meetings. By accessing an industrial business directory before you start to build your pitch, however, you can do a deep dive on over 180,000 potential new B2B accounts, quickly gathering all kinds of current information laser-targeted to the manufacturing companies you want to reach.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076
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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Corporate Database Plays An Important Role In Business Productivity

corporate directory

The main selling point for any new technology, management introduces into the workplace is usually that it will help increase productivity. If that were true, 21st century workplaces would be the most productive in history given the access to new technologies available annually. Of course, as corporate downsizing reduces the number of employees in many industries, what inevitably happens is that people wind up with more responsibilities – and less time to fulfill them – than ever before. That’s a huge burden of time for people who earn their living as B2B marketing professionals. It’s also one of the main reasons for marketing teams to have access to Canada’s best corporate database.

Subscribing to a corporate directory that lists over 180,000 company profiles is a major boost to productivity in any sales and marketing department. The amount of time it would have taken for a sales team to compile that kind of resource in the past would have been astronomical. Now, sales people can have instant access to an incredible amount of data on potential prospects with the click of a mouse.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076
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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Importance Of a Good Business Database

Business database

As technology changes, as business changes, as consumer habits change, so too do sales and marketing strategies. Exciting new trends in content marketing have certainly inspired marketing teams to think creatively in the way they market. One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is the need to put a laser-sharp focus on finding out more about the customers you want to target and convert into customers. For sales and marketing teams in Canada, one of the best ways to do that is to subscribe to a comprehensive Canadian business database.

Taking advantage of the data found in a Canada business database is a key strategy for sales teams that want to improve their B2B sales, whether they’re focused on trending account-based marketing techniques or any other strategy to generate leads. Finding out who the person or people responsible for B2B buying decisions within an organization is critical to both the relationship build and the eventual sale; searching a Canadian business directory database offering over 180,000 B2B company profiles and over 330,000 key contacts is one way to answer those questions. Determining the high potential prospects is not easy if you’re using antiquated methods to generate leads; conducting a search using key search terms in your business database can quickly determine your high potential prospects and lead to more focused B2B sales planning.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-A,
ON L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-402-2076
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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

How to make the maximum use of B2B Company Lists

B2B company list

“To B2B, or not to B2B, that is the question.” That could have been the phrase Shakespeare used had he been a sales manager instead of a bard. However, for sales teams looking to sell their products and services to industrial and manufacturing companies, a comprehensive B2B company list would be much more useful than a good line in a soliloquy. Sales managers that understand the value of maximizing use of B2B directories are more prone to success, which is why talented B2B marketers subscribe to online directory services like Scott’s Directories.

Making a B2C company list available to your sales team is just the first step in developing strategies to grow sales of your products and services. Teaching them how to best utilize the pages and pages of content available on the directory is the important one. For example, having access to up-to-date market surveys provides your team with critical information and important data on both the market and the customers you potentially can reach with your marketing campaigns. Developing lead lists is the bane of every sales manager and sales rep no matter what the industry. However, when you’re targeting industrial and manufacturing companies across Canada, having access to a tool like a B2B directory helps sales and marketing people reduce the time it takes to generate lead lists that can actually generate sales.

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Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service,
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