Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Increase Sales by Accessing Scott’s Database

manufacturing companies in Canada

How do you increase B2B sales to manufacturing companies in Canada? Before you consider the answer, you may want to do a comprehensive study on the state of manufacturing in Canada, the areas of the country still holding on to a strong manufacturing base, and the primary products still being manufactured in this country. On the other hand, you might want to simply log into Scott’s Database and search manufacturing companies in Canada.

Search Scott’s Database and Build Your B2b Sales

Manufacturers and processors are major contributors to the Canadian economy, as they account for over 1.7 million jobs and more than 10 percent of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Canadian manufacturing sector covers 21 industry groups that produce goods for both industrial and consumer use. All of them are covered in the industrial manufacturers directory offered through Scott’s Info, a product of Scott’s Directories. This comprehensive list of manufacturing companies in Canada provides B2B sales teams targeting this business sector with an incredible wealth of information that can be used to develop exceptionally strong, targeted sales outreach. The directory includes over 180,000 businesses across the country, including the very targeted industrial manufacturers directory that can be easily downloaded in CSV format for use in developing such strategies. The database is updated throughout the year, so sales teams using this data-rich resource can avoid chasing bad data. There is also a list of over 330,000 key contacts within the companies listed, so sales teams using the database can quickly determine which individual(s) to target within each company. Those are all foundational elements which can be used to build an incredible B2B sales program for manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers.

Read original story here

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