The main selling point for any new technology, management introduces into the workplace is usually that it will help increase productivity. If that were true, 21st century workplaces would be the most productive in history given the access to new technologies available annually. Of course, as corporate downsizing reduces the number of employees in many industries, what inevitably happens is that people wind up with more responsibilities – and less time to fulfill them – than ever before. That’s a huge burden of time for people who earn their living as B2B marketing professionals. It’s also one of the main reasons for marketing teams to have access to Canada’s best corporate database.
Subscribing to a corporate directory that lists over 180,000 company profiles is a major boost to productivity in any sales and marketing department. The amount of time it would have taken for a sales team to compile that kind of resource in the past would have been astronomical. Now, sales people can have instant access to an incredible amount of data on potential prospects with the click of a mouse.
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